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The Firm is always involved in talks, events and seminars around the country and of-late, we were invited to deliver a talk to the largest Myanmarese bank.


Every talk is delivered gratis. 


Talk delivered to the Bar Council on Pleadings: The Building Blocks of a Civil Litigator's Practice


Our Principal delivered a talk to the Bar Council on 24.11.2020 titled Pleadings: The Building Blocks of a Civil Litigator's Practice. The talk was attended by approximately 300 practitioners. 
































Talk to KBZ Bank in Myanmar


Together with ABE UK, our Principal was invited to deliver a training session for KBZ Bank, Myanmar's largest privately-owned bank. The topic discussed was Litigation Management and Dispute Resolution Training.

























































































































































































































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Seminar on committal proceedings and contempt of Court 

(Malaysian Bar)


Our Principal delivered a seminar on Committal proceedings and contempt of Court in civil proceedings on 18.09.2019. The seminar was organised ​by the Bar Council's Continuing Professional Development Department. 

Seminar on committal proceedings and contempt of Court

(Malacca Bar)


Our Principal delivered a seminar on Committal proceedings and contempt of Court in civil proceedings on 25.09.2020 for the Malacca Bar.


The seminar was organised ​by the Malacca Bar. 

Seminar on committal proceedings and contempt of Court

(Johore Bar)


Our Principal delivered a seminar on Committal proceedings and contempt of Court in civil proceedings on 17.10.2020 for the Johore Bar.

Current Law Journal (CLJ) talk on Bankruptcy Proceedings


Our Principal delivered a talk for the Current Law Journal on Bankruptcy Proceedings titled "From Filing to the Bankruptcy Order: Procedures & Challenges".


The talk was attended by approximately 90 people from various industries, including the Ministry of Finance. 

CPD Camps: The Fundamentals of Company Law


The Principal of the Firm is a speaker on the Malaysian Bar's Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Camps Series, where he delivers seminars on the fundamentals of company law. 


To-date, our Principal has delivered these seminars to the Bars of Penang, Negeri Sembilan and Kuala Lumpur. A copy of the Circulars issued by the Bar Council of Malaysia may be viewed here:


a.    CPD Camp at the Penang Bar Auditorium;


b.    CPD Camp at the Negeri Sembilan Bar Committee;


c.    CPD Camp at the Raja Aziz Addruse Auditorium in the Bar Council,              Kuala Lumpur;


d.    CPD Camp given to the Pahang Bar on 15.03.2017;


e.    CPD Camp given to the Johore Bar on 18.05.2017;


f.      CPD Camp given to the Selangor Bar on 08.06.2017;


g.     CPD Camp given to the Malacca Bar on 04.10.2017.    


h.   CPD Camp given to the Kedah Bar on 06.11.2017;


i.     CPD Camp given to the Pahang Bar on 18.04.2018.


Seminar on ex-parte injunctions


Our Principal delivered a seminar on ex-parte injunctions on 30.04.2020 to approximately 500 members of the Malaysian Bar. The seminar is organised ​by the Bar Council's Continuing Professional Development Department and was delivered via webinar. 

A copy of the slides utilised at the talk may be accessed here. Kindly cite the Firm, should you intend to utilise the same. 


Following on from the above, our Principal was invited by CLJ to deliver a talk on Insolvency & Company Law in Miri, Sarawak on 21.04.2018

Current Law Journal (CLJ) talk on Evidence Law and the Handling of Witnesses


Our Principal was also invited to deliver a talk for CLJ on the Handling of Witnesses on 27.07.2020.

Talk delivered to the BAC Law Society on Advocacy


Our Principal session to students from BAC's Law Society as to the finer points of advocacy. 

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