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  1. Woon Kim Choy v Acexide Technology Sdn Bhd & Anor and another appeal [2024] MLJU 3109

  2. Datuk Seri Maglin Dennis D’Cruz (in his capacity as President and public officer of my PPP) v Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Insolvensi Malaysia (Tan Sri Datuk Seri M Kayveas & Ors, proposed interveners) [2024] MLJU 568 (Decision affirmed by the CA in Civil Appeal No.: W-01(IM)(NCC)-89-02/2024 on 11.07.2024, subsequent Notice of Motion for Leave to Appeal to the Federal Court in 08(i)-281-08/2024(W) dismissed on 03.12.2024)

  3. Ireka Jaya Sdn Bhd v Dato' Ir Hor Tek Lip & ors [2024] MLJU 1353

  4. Tect Huat Development Sdn Bhd v Goh Cheng Huat & Ors [2024] MLJU 1710

  5. Tect Huat Development Sdn Bhd v Goh Cheng Huat & Ors [2024] MLJU 1711

  6. Exyte Malaysia Sdn Bhd (Previously known as M+W High Tech Projects Malaysia Sdn Bhd) v Malaysian Bio-Xcell Sdn Bhd (In Liquidation) [2024] MLJU 577

  7. Zhongtian ARDC Sdn Bhd v Jalash Teamwork Sdn Bhd [2024] MLJU 1118

  8. Burgess Rawson Management v Armanee Condominium JMB [2024] MLJU 2322

  9. Burgess Rawson Management v Armanee Condominium JMB [2024] MLJU 2323

  10. Ooi Gim How (In his capacity as Administrator of the Estate of Ooi Ah Yan, Deceased) v Ooi Chui Leng & ors [2024] MLJU 1937 (the CA in Civil Appeal No.: P-02(IM)(NCvC)-1079-06/2024 reversed the HC's decision on 04.02.2025 with costs of RM10,000 in favour of our Client)

  11. Malaysian Bio-Xcell Sdn Bhd (In Liquidation) v Lebas Technologies Sdn Bhd [2023] MLJU 2591

  12. Icon City JMB v Mah Sing Utilities Sdn Bhd & Ors [2023] MLJU 2007

  13. Tan Sri Datuk Seri M Kayveas & ors v Datuk Seri Maglin Dennis D'Cruz & ors [2023] MLJU 1640 (the CA affirmed the High Court's post-trial findings, in agreement with us. An application for leave to the Federal Court (08(f)-59-03/2023(W) was dismissed on 31.10.2023, in agreement with us)

  14. Le Apple Boutique Hotel Sdn Bhd v Keen Solution Sdn Bhd [2023] MLJU 1729; [2023] 9 CLJ 429 (reversing the findings of the High Court in [2022] 1 LNS 43, in agreement with us. An application for leave to the Federal Court [08(f)-190-06/2023(W) was dismissed on 17.10.2023, in agreement with us)

  15. Hektar Juara v Tam Jaya Group [2023] MLJU 166

  16. Jeffrey Tan Meng Han v Abdul Rahim b Mohd Yamin [2023] MLJU 3239

  17. Live Scape v World Wonder Fest [2023] MLJU 96

  18. Datuk Seri Maglin Dennis D'Cruz & Ors v Dato' Ly Kim Cheong & Ors (Bankruptcy) [2022] MLJU 3092 

  19. Jin Ah Hong v Saw See Na & Anor [2022] MLJU 3203

  20. Keen Solution Sdn Bhd v Le Apple Boutique Hotel (KLCC) Sdn Bhd & Anor [2022] MLJU 22

  21. Yow Man Kong @ Senthil Kumar v Ghandirajan Arjunan [2022] MLJU 3168; [2023] 3 CLJ 503 (CA)

  22. Megatech M&E Engineering v Brecon Synergy Sdn Bhd [2022] MLJU 2818

  23. Silverstone Berhad v Purushotman Nagappan [2022] MLJU 2198

  24. Lee Wan Sin & Anor v Seri Mutiara Development Sdn Bhd [2022] MLJU 1836

  25. Dato' Suki Mee v Toi Sin Fatt & Ors [2022] MLJU 1526 [quantum revised upwards to RM300,000 in our Client's favour by the Court of Appeal on 16.03.2023 in Civil Appeal No.: A-02(NCvC)(W)-921-05/2022]

  26. Ulster Waves Sdn Bhd v Perbadanan Putrajaya [2022] MLJU 1541

  27. Datuk Seri Maglin Dennis D’Cruz & Ors v Tan Sri Datuk Seri M Kayveas & Ors [2023] 7 MLJ 512

  28. Steel Hawk Engineering Sdn Bhd & Anor v Sundereswaran a/l Raja Manickam & Ors (Sundereswaran a/l Raja Manickam, proposed contemnor) [2022] MLJU 490 [Appeal withdrawn pursuant to us successfully obtaining a Judgment Sum of ~RM15.8m against the Proposed Contemnor]

  29. Keen Solution Sdn Bhd v Le Apple Boutique Hotel KLCC Sdn Bhd & Anor [2022] 1 LNS 43 [Decision of the High Court unanimously overturned by the Court of Appeal on 19.05.2023 in Civil Appeal No.: W-02(NCC)(A)-1004-06/2022]

  30. Perwakilan Cekap Sdn Bhd v Ketua Pengarah Tenaga Kerja & Ors [2022] MLJU 909

  31. Cairnhill Hotel Sdn Bhd v Lim Tian Huat [2022] 1 LNS 3337

  32. Axisjaya Sdn Bhd v Yee Tuck Sing [2021] 1 LNS 2014 

  33. Datuk Seri Maglin Dennis D'Cruz & 11 ors v Tan Sri M Kayveas & 9 ors [2020] 1 LNS 1137

  34. Datuk Seri Maglin Dennis D' Crus & 11 ors v Tan Sri M Kayveas & 9 ors [2020] 1 LNS 1053
    [Affirmed in Civil Appeals No.: W-02(IM)NCC-125-01/2020, W-02(IM)NCC-181-01/2020 and W-02(IM)NCC-183-01/2020]

  35. Pathmini A/P Mookapillai & ors v Vijayalatchumi A/P Mookapillai & ors [2021] MLJU 576

  36. Pathmini A/P Mookapillai & ors v Vijayalatchumi A/P Mookapillai & ors [2021] 1 LNS 443

  37. Woon Kim Choy v Acexide Technology Sdn Bhd [2021] 2 LNS 0127 (Decisions of the Industrial Court and the High Court unanimously overturned in our Client's favour, with compensation and backwages totaling 47 months awarded in Civil Appeal No.: W-01(A)-198-03/2024, [2024] MLJU 3109)

  38. Chang Heng Keong v Acexide Technology Sdn Bhd [2021] 2 LNS 0126 (Decisions of the Industrial Court and the High Court unanimously overturned in our Client's favour, with compensation and backwages totaling 47 months awarded in Civil Appeal No.: W-01(A)-199-03/2024, [2024] MLJU 3109)

  39. Petrozchem Oilfield Sdn Bhd v Scomi Oiltools Sdn Bhd [2020] MLJU 1564 (Affirmed by the Court of Appeal in Civil Appeals No.: W-02(IM)(C)-2243-12/2019 and W-02(IM)(C)-2247-12/2019) 

  40. Ng Siew Hoon v Asia Experience Tours Sdn Bhd [2020] 2 LNS 1056

  41. Live Scape Sdn Bhd v World Wonder Fest Sdn Bhd [2020] MLJU 1510

    (Overturned by the CA [Civil Appeal No.:W-02(IM)(NCVC)-807-07/2020], in agreement with us)

  42. J v J [2021] 1 LNS (O) 30 [CA]

  43. Opes Capital Bhd v Ng King Hoo & anor [2021] MLJU 369

  44. Bala Subramaniyam Mookapillai & anor v Tetuan Raj Selva & Co [2020] MLJU 1300

  45. Bala Subramaniyam Mookapillai & anor v Tetuan Raj Selva & Co [2020] 6 CLJ 721

  46. Low Kian Hoew v Lu Zhijun & ors [2020] MLJU 2187

  47. Maple87 Builders Sdn Bhd v Bina Terbit Sdn Bhd [2019] 1 LNS 642

  48. Mazura binti Md Mazlan dan satu lagi v Lee Thai Foo dan lain-lain [2018] MLJU 2042

  49. Dynamic Curve Sdn Bhd v Alam Swiber Offshore (M) Sdn Bhd & ors [2020] MLJU 1467
    [Affirmed in Civil Appeals No.:W-02(IM)(NCC)-659-06/2020 and W-02(IM)(NCC

  50. Scomi Oiltools Sdn Bhd v Petrozchem Oilfield Services Sdn Bhd [2020] MLJU 1472 (decision rendered otiose, see paragraph 24 above)

  51. Spacious Glory Sdn Bhd v Coconut Three Sdn Bhd [2022] 7 MLJ 76

  52. Bank Muamalat Malaysia Bhd v Alam Maritim (M) Sdn Bhd & anor [2021] MLJU 581

  53. CIMB Bank Bhd v Alam Maritim (M) Sdn Bhd & anor [2021] MLJU 25

  54. Enisah Binti Baharuddin & ors v Menteri Kerja Raya & ors [2017] MLJU 1412

  55. Dato' Suki Mee v Far Origin Sdn Bhd [2020] MLJU 1408

  56. Malaysian Bio-XCell Sdn Bhd v Lebas Technologies Sdn Bhd [2020] 3 MLJ 723

  57. Beta Tegap Sdn Bhd v Majlis Perbandaran Sepang (AGC, Intervenor) [2013] 10 MLJ 240

  58. The GSH Sdn Bhd v Badan Pengurusan Bersama Galeria Hartamas [2015] MLJU 2324

  59. Kok Chee Yoong & anor v Wong Lee Yeun [2018] MLJU 978 [The HC's decision at [2016] 1 LNS1733 was overturned by the CA, in agreement with us. A subsequent Federal Court Motion No.: 08-1-01/2017 (Leave) was dismissed, in agreement with us]

  60. Beauty Land Enterprise v Bala Sandran Krishnasamy [2019] 1 LNS 278

  61. Bala Sandran Krishnasamy v Beauty Land Enterprise [2018] 3 ILR 208
    [the decision of the Industrial Court ([2018] 3 ILR 208) was quashed by the High Court ([2019] 1 LNS 278). The CA (in agreement with us) reversed the HC's findings and reinstated the Industrial Court's Award (Civil Appeal No.:W-02(A)-197-01/2019)] 

Elephant in Wild
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